Anxiety + Stress

Do racing thoughts and constant worry control your days and leave you feeling overwhelmed by stress? 

· Regain control 

· Reclaim your peace of mind 

· Recover your confidence!

Anxiety Help

Stop letting anxiety hold you back.

Take charge, let's talk.

Did you know the impact of negative self-talk significantly increases cortisol levels?

This negative self-talk triggers a chain reaction in your body, increasing cortisol levels and altering your neurobiology (brain wiring), making it harder to achieve your goals.

The good news? You have the power to switch your inner dialogue, lower stress, and fuel your determination to conquer your goals. 

Imagine anxiety like a well-worn path in a forest. The more you travel down that path the deeper and more worn it becomes. 

Just like anxious thoughts, the more you focus on them  (traveling down that path), the deeper and more ingrained it becomes.

As you can see, the more we reinforce the pattern the stronger those pathways become.

The good news is, with intentionality, you can create new paths in your brain that lead to calmer and more positive thinking. I can be your guide on this journey!

I remember the exact moment I found out I was suffering from anxiety...
You could have knocked me over with a feather!

After all, I had just spent 7 1/2 yrs in the Military,

I was tough and resilient!

What I didn't know was that unconsciously, my mind was not happy with the unknown I was now living in.

I learned easy and powerful ways to overcome my anxiety and manage it if it came up again, and you can too!

Combining the power of hypnosis along with other evidence-based techniques to create a lasting impact on your anxiety. 

Let's talk about your path to emotional balance!